
Standing Committees

The President shall appoint all members of all Standing Committees and such other special committees as deemed necessary. The President shall designate one member of each committee as the Chairperson, with the exception of the Nominations Committee, which shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President and the Budget Committee, which shall be chaired by the Treasurer.

If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact us at: [email protected]

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall annually audit the records, accounts, receipts, disbursements and financial condition of the Association. The audit is to follow standard audit procedures and shall always include verification of assets. The committee shall make a report in writing to the active members of the Association at its annual meeting and such other reports as may be required by the President or the Executive Committee. ~By-laws, Article X, Section 2.

Title Name County St Email
Chair Doris Maloy Leon FL [email protected]
Member Tyler Montana Prescott Clarke AL [email protected]
Member Joe Grisolano Crawford KS [email protected]
Member Brandi Baily  Sedgewick KS  [email protected]


Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee shall consider, recommend and act upon all legislation as deemed necessary for the benefit of local government. The Committee shall take appropriate measures to oppose any legislation considered to be detrimental to the interests of local government. The Legislative Committee shall work closely with the NACo Taxation and Finance Committee and with the Executive Committee of NACCTFO. The Legislative Committee shall report, with recommendations, at all meetings of the Association. ~By-laws, Article X, Section 3.

Title Name County St Email
Chair Doris Maloy Leon FL [email protected]
Member Paige Mellerio NACo DC [email protected]
Member Tyler Montana Prescott Clarke AL [email protected]
Member Diane Gentry  Greenley KS 

[email protected]


Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee shall report its nominations of officers to the Executive Committee no later than May of each year and to the Association at its annual meeting. Each year the president shall appoint a Nominating Committee comprised of seven members of NACCTFO who are current dues-paying members, including the immediate past president who shall act as committee chairperson. Other members shall include the president, one active past president of NACCTFO, and four active members from the membership at large who are not currently holding office and there shall be no more than one member per state on the committee.

Title Name County St Email
Member Chris Craft St. Lucie FL [email protected]
Member Jim McFadden Tioga NY [email protected]


Budget Committee

The Budget Committee shall prepare an annual budget for the following fiscal year to be presented to the Executive Committee no later than May of each year for approval at the annual meeting. ~By-laws, Article X, Section 5.

Title Name County St Email
Chair Tyler Montana Prescott Clarke AL [email protected]
Member Shilo Heger Riley KS [email protected]
Member Delores Smith Wise VA [email protected]


Education & Certification Committee

The Education Committee shall work with a state university to carry out objectives for providing education programs to the membership. The Committee shall work with the Conference Committee for coordination of conference plans relating to education programs. The Committee shall provide for necessary record keeping in conjunction with the Education Program, and shall work with the Budget Committee in order to present a budget to the Executive Committee annually. The Committee shall monitor the certification program, provide for necessary record keeping in conjunction with a state university, see to the preparation and awarding of certificates as appropriate, and make recommendations to the Executive Committee for modifications to the program, when necessary. The Education Committee shall report to the membership at the business meetings or as requested by the Executive Committee and perform any other duties as directed by the President or Executive Committee of the Association. ~By-laws, Article X, Section 6.

Title Name County St Email
Chair Eric Sullivan Thurston WA [email protected]
Member Jill Smith Kootenai ID [email protected]
Member Tyler Montana Prescott Clarke AL [email protected]
Member Karen Coffman Jackson MI [email protected]
Member Mike Diskin Essex NY [email protected]
Member Victor Vigil  Santa Fe  NM [email protected]
Member Delores Smith  Wise  VA [email protected]


Conference Committee

The Conference Committee shall evaluate future meeting sites and make recommendations to the Executive Committee as to functions, budget, facilities, timetables and provide planning and other assistance as needed. The Conference Committee shall coordinate their efforts with the Education Committee, the Budget Committee and report to the Executive Committee of the Association. The Conference Committee shall perform any other duties as directed by the Executive Committee of the Association. ~By-laws, Article XI, Section 7.

Title Name County St Email
Chair Shilo Heger  Riley KS [email protected]
Member Sandie Arnott San Mateo CA [email protected]
Member Delores Smith  Wise  VA [email protected]
Member Carin Smith  St. Lucie  FL [email protected]
Member Pedro Medina  St. Lucie  FL [email protected]


Outstanding Co. Collector, Treasurer or Finance Officer Award Committee

The Outstanding Co. Collector, Treasurer or Finance Officer Award Committee shall administer Article XI of the By-laws. ~By-laws, Article X, Section 8.

Title Name County St Email
Chair Mike Diskin Essex NY [email protected]
Member Karen Stokes Hickory MO [email protected]

Remaining members to be appointed by Committee Chair in accordance with By-laws.

Membership Committee

Title Name County St Email
Chair Kimberly Wiggins Montgomery TN [email protected]
Member TBC      
Member TBC      


 State Liaison/Sponsorship/Ambassador Committee

Title Name County St Email
Member Doris Maloy  Leon FL   [email protected]
Member Delores Smith  Wise  VA  [email protected]


Newsletter Committee (All board members)


Constitution, Bylaws & Resolutions/Policies & Procedures Committee

Title Name County St Email
Member Joe Grisolano Crawford KS [email protected]
Member Nancy Weeks Haskell KS [email protected]
Member Kimberly Wiggins Montgomery TN [email protected]


Associates Committee

Title Name Org Email
Associate Lori Tindall Catalis [email protected]
Associate  Kelly Renfrow Corelogic  [email protected]
Member Sandie Arnott NACCTFO [email protected]