Established in 1954, the National Association of County Collectors, Treasurers and Finance Officers (NACCTFO) is a professional organization whose objective is to assist our members to better serve local, state, and national government. NACCTFO is a national organization similar to your state treasurer, tax collector or finance officers associations. Any benefits you have derived from your state associations can be multiplied by the number of counties in fifty different states. The possibilities, unique perspectives and different ways of doing things are endless.

Working together, NACCTFO members exchange ideas and build partnerships. We do this with education programs and through the exchange of information and ideas at conferences or other meetings. Take advantage of the professional certification program available to broaden your knowledge and be on the cutting edge of new trends. This program is available to NACCTFO members and is administered by The University of Missouri-St Louis, Public Policy Administration.

NACCTFO objectives:

  • Promote professional growth of its members
  • Develop a higher level of service efficiency and character to both the general public and county government
  • Pursue and be proactive in federal legislation and regulations that affect county government, tax collection, and treasury

Code of Ethics

NACCTFO's Code of Ethics is available in its entirety by clicking here to view the PDF.

NACCTFO Certification

Honored to serve the people of my county, and to be a member of the National Association of County Collectors, Treasurers and Finance Officers, I willingly and voluntarily pledge to uphold the following code of ethics:
To Demonstrate my faith in the Constitutions of the United States of America and my state, which I have sworn or affirmed to uphold, I pledge to conduct myself at all times in an honorable manner so that I may uphold the dignity of this office.
I Will Seek to Serve my state and county with honor and unselfish service remembering that government should be of laws rather than of men and women; to accept no profit at the price of my self-respect, lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part.
I Will Strive to Remember that whether in competition with my fellow public officials, or in an election contest, it is not necessary to demean another in order to be true to myself.
As a Servant of the People I will endeavor to be courteous at all times and to maintain an attitude of respect.
As a Leader I will do all I can to train and motivate my staff to provide courteous, efficient, and effective services.
As a Professional I will continue my education in areas such as law, technology, management, and finance in order to improve office efficiency by initiating economical practices and procedures.
In my Fiduciary Duties I will keep confidential any information received in an official capacity while maintaining the public's right to access information according to the laws of my state.
In Camaraderie, Deliberation or Negotiation with other public officials, I will hold friendship as an end and not a means. I will hold that the true execution of my duties calls for independent action predicated on that which is in the best interests of the people of my state and my county.
As a Citizen of the United States of America and an official of my state and my county, I will endeavor to bear in mind my obligation each day to rededicate my loyalty and allegiance to the people who elected me to a position of leadership and service and to give freely of my time, labor and talents in service to those who come to me for assistance and advice.
In Every Personal Action I will be mindful that every action is subject to scrutiny; that what I do or say will tend to build up or destroy confidence in my government; and I will be cognizant of what I say or do at any place or at any time.
I Willingly Acknowledge that when I accepted this office, I ceased to be responsible only to myself but pledged to be a true servant of the people of my county, my state, and my country.



For general comments or questions related to sponsorship, and associate memberships, please email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: NACCTFO, 611 Pennsylvania Ave SE Box 117, Washington, DC 20003